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County Line prides itself on being a school that focuses on rewarding good behavior in order to encourage more of it in the future!  Behavior is monitored on a color system: Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red.  Each student begins the day on Green and can move up or down the scale based on their behavior and choices for that day.  Consequences can be assigned for negative behavior, and rewards can be given for positive behavior.  You will find that in my classroom I am always looking for ways to reward my students.  I much prefer to highlight great choices over poor ones.  Below is a comprehensive list of all the opportunities students have to earn rewards:


Pride Paws


Pride Paws are a school-wide incentive to reward students for good behavior.  Students can earn Pride Paws for showing respect, responsibility, honesty, thoughtfulness, and an A+ attitude.  Each week, students will have a chance to "deposit" their Pride Paws into their "account."  They can also visit the Paw-Mart and redeem their saved money for a variety of rewards.  This is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn more about the workings of bank accounts.

"CLES CRITTERS" Compliment Rewards

My homeroom will also have another unique opportunity to earn whole-class reward celebrations.  I will have a paper hanging in our classrom with C-L-E-S C-R-I-T-T-E-R-S spelled out, each letter in boxes.  Anytime our class earns a compliment-either in the classroom, the lunchroom, specials, and so forth-we will color in half a letter.  This also applies to when our "whole-class" clip moves up on the behavior stick.  If compliments are given by either Mrs. Stevens or Dr. Carter, a whole box will be colored in instead.  A whole box will also be colored in if our class wins the Silver Spoon lunchroom award for the week.  When we have filled up every letter box, the class will be able to have a reward of their choosing.  Some rewards I have done in the past are: popcorn/movie, ice cream, electronics party, hot chocolate, painting day, and others.  It is completely up to the students to choose (with approval, of course)! 


Discipline Procedure


It is our goal to completely avoid having to use this discipline procedure, but in the event that it is necessary, the steps are as follows:


If a student ends up on Red on our behavior stick, I will fill out the first stage of their discipline action form.  There will be a conference between the student and I along with a consequence.  The next time the student ends up on Red, the same thing will happen, except I will be contacting you to discuss what has happened.   On the 3rd occurrence, I will contact you via phone, and we can also schedule an in-person conference.  On the 4th occurrence, the student will speak with Mrs. Stevens and/or Dr. Carter about their behavior and choices.  Finally, on the 5th occurrence, a discipline referral will be filled out and an administrative consequence assigned.


The steps are re-set every quarter, and students are given a fresh start on behavior.


In the event of a more serious offense (i.e. physical fighting), the steps will be circumvented, and an administrator will be involved directly.

Class Rules


1.  Be Respectful

2.  Be Responsible

3.  Be Safe

4.  Work Hard

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